County Treasurer



Robert Razzano
Moffat County Treasurer and Public Trustee
1198 W. Victory Way, Ste. 101
Craig, CO 81625
Phone: (970) 824-9111
Fax (970) 824-9187

To Search the Tax Database and PAY Property Tax On-line, click here.

To View Tax Liens, click here.


Office Hours:

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Treasurer's Information

Property taxes are collected during the current year for the prior year. For example, 2022 taxes are due and payable in 2023.

Due dates for tax payment: Full payment is due April 30th (U.S. Postal Service Postmark is accepted) OR half payments are due the last day of February and June 15th with no penalty. Any tax amount less than $25.00 is due in one payment. C.R.S. 39-10-104.5, as amended.

As soon as practical after January 1st each year, the County Treasurer is to mail tax notices, however, failure of any person to receive such statement shall not preclude collection by the treasurer of the amount of taxes due and payable. C.R.S. 39-10-103, as amended.

Delinquent taxes are advertised in September and the Tax Lien Sale held in November for real property Ad Valorem taxes.

Delinquent mobile home taxes are advertised twice, and income producing, personal property taxes are advertised one time in September, in preparation for distraint and sale.

The advertising and other expenses become part of the amounts due by the property owner.

Current taxes may be paid by personal check. Liens may be redeemed by the owner any time prior to the issuing of the treasurer's deed.

Please contact the Treasurer's Office for further information or assistance: (970) 824-9111.

Public Trustee's Information

The Public Trustee is responsible for processing Foreclosures and releasing Deeds of Trust.

The following is needed to execute a release of deed of trust:

  • ORIGINAL Note marked "Paid in Full" or indemnification by entities described in 38-39-102. If the original note is lost, a Lost Instruments Bond needs to be obtained.
  • Original Deed of Trust. If the original cannot be obtained, a copy of the Deed of Trust showing the recording information is satisfactory.
  • Completed Release Deed of Trust Form. Must be notarized.
  • Fee of $43.00 is required. (If the release form is more than one page, add $5.00 more per page.)

Please submit to our office the above mentioned documents and fees.

2023 Mill Levies & Information

To Search the Tax Database and PAY Property Tax On-line, click here.

To View Tax Lien Sale Information, click here.

To View Tax Liens, click here.