Upcoming events
To be announced.

Advocates (Open Heart) - 824-2400-resources regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, crime victims, and human trafficking
Alcoholics Anonymous: Group One --824-1793-1st Congregational Church 630 Green St-Sunday 1pm, Tuesday 7pm (closed group), Wednesday noon
(women's group), Thursday 8pm, Saturday 8pm
Ask-A-Lawyer @ Moffat County Courthouse, Suite 300, call 824-8254 to schedule your 30 minute appointment
Boys and Girls Club of Craig--1324 US-40, 826-0411-after school activities for school-aged kids
Call4All Legal Advice--844-404-7400-On the 3rd Wednesday of the month between 5:30-7pm, you may call into this number for legal advice over the
Community Budget Center--555 Yampa Ave—824-7898
Connections 4 Kids (C4K) – 601 Yampa Ave, 824-1081-Classes include: Incredible Years, Positive Solutions, Ready for Kindergarten, Bright by Three, etc.
Department of Human Services -595 Breeze St. 824-8282-Food Stamps, TANF, child support, etc. Open M-F from 9-4pm. Dropbox outside if needed.
GED and Read/Write programs at Colorado Northwestern Community College, contact Annette Burrow: 824-1152
The Health Partnership's Care Coordinators-Community members can access care coordination services by calling (970) 875-3630.
Hope Pregnancy Center - 538 Breeze St. -824-5204-take classes, earn items for our children, and more! Mon. & Wed. 10-1 and Fri. 10-2, or by appointment
Love, INC-826-4400-call to sign up or learn more about financial courses, cooking courses, Back to School Fair etc.
Moffat County Courthouse--1198 West Victory Way-824-8254
Moffat County Human Society-970-824-7235-They need at least 24 hours notice if in need of pet food
Moffat County Library – 570 Green Street, 824-5116
Northwest Colorado Health-745 Russell Street, 824-8233-Pimary Care, Behavioral Health Care, Dental, Prescription Assistance and Health Education.
NWCCI (Northwest Colorado Center for Independence)—775 Yampa Ave., 970-871-4838-support for people with disabilities
Safecare—970-871-7677-A free program that offers parents with 0-5 year olds one-on-one support
Self-Help @ the Moffat County Courthouse (call to make an appointment and mention “Self-Help”) 824-8254
WIC – 745 Russell Street, 970-871-7653-Nutrition Education, Breastfeeding Support, and Supplemental Food Program
Workforce Center-480 Barclay St., 824-3246-Call to get the code to watch Tuesday Workshops online or stop by to get help with building a resume,
becoming workplace ready, job searching and attending job fairs!
Church of Destiny-2218 Baker Drive
Integrated Community-555 Breeze Street, Suite 110-(970) 806-4050 Mon-Thurs. 11-5 by appointment
Interfaith Food Bank-517 Breeze St. (Back part of Elks/Amer. Legion building)—824-7355
St. Michael’s Kitchen-678 School St.
Food Bank of the Rockies-Moffat County Fairgrounds. 2nd Monday of the month. 40 E Victory Way
TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program)-106 W Victory Way
Food Resources:
10:30am-Noon: Interfaith Food Bank
2nd Monday: 11:00-noon: Food Bank of the Rockies
11:00am-1:00pm: St. Michael's Community Kitchen
10:30am-Noon: Interfaith Food Bank
3-5pm: St. Michael's Community Kitchen
10:30am-Noon: Interfaith Food Bank
Dinosaur residents: call the Thursday before the 2nd Friday for TEFAP delivery