Contact Us

Airport3005 Highway 394824-9148
AssessorCourthouse, Ste. 102824-9102
County AttorneyCourthouse, Ste. 202826-3404
Building Inspection (Combined City/County)300 W 4th St.826-2013
Clerk & RecorderCourthouse, Ste. 103824-9104
CommissionersCourthouse, Ste. 104824-5517
14th Judicial District Combined CourtsCourthouse 
- Clerk of the CourtsSte. 200/201824-8254
- District AttorneySte. 210824-7041
- ProbationSte. 208824-7304
CoronerCourthouse, Ste 113824-6133
Crisis Intervention / Youth ServicesCourthouse, Ste. 206824-9150
Development ServicesCourthouse, Ste 107824-9160
Emergency Management800 W. 1st St.826-2308
Extension Office (CSU)Courthouse, Ste. 106824-9180
Fairgrounds750 E. 4th St.824-5708
FinanceCourthouse, Ste 109824-9103
Grounds & Maintenance 824-9107
Housing Authority633 Ledford St.824-3660
Human ResourcesCourthouse, Ste. 111824-9195
Information TechnologyCourthouse, Ste. 112826-3403
Landfill1806 County Rd. 107824-4347
Library570 Green St.824-5116
Natural ResourcesCourthouse, Ste. 104826-3400
Parks600 S. Ranney St.824-5517
PlanningCourthouse, Ste. 107824-9148
Public Health OfficeCourthouse, Ste. 110701-7915
Road & Bridge822 E. 1st St.824-3211
Sheriff800 W. 1st St.824-4495
Department of Human ServicesCourthouse, Ste.204824-8282
Tourism Association775 Yampa Ave824-2335
TreasurerCourthouse, Ste. 101824-9111
VeteransCourthouse, Ste. 100824-0384