Natural Resources Department


Jeff Comstock
Natural Resources Director
                                                                     1198 W. Victory Way, Ste. 104                                                                  
Craig, CO 81625
Phone: (970) 826-3400



To research and implement solutions to issues affecting Moffat County Natural Resources, and provide background knowledge and council to Moffat County Commissioners relating to County impacts from Natural Resource issues.


The Natural Resources Department provides background information, knowledge, and a method of implementing management and policies which represent Moffat County's interests. The Natural Resources Department is especially crucial since Moffat County is 65% owned or managed by state and federal governments, which have drastic impacts on Moffat County's revenue and the custom and culture, private property rights, and multiple use issues on lands in Moffat County.

The Moffat County Natural Resources Department is currently involved in the following issues:

  • Proposed Wilderness Areas
  • Sage Grouse Management Planning
  • Moffat County Minerals program
  • Cooperating Agency status:
    • Dinosaur National Monument Livestock Grazing Plan
    • Transbasin water diversions
    • BLM land planning
    • Interstate power line planning
  • Northwest Colorado Weed Partnership
  • RS 2477 Assertions on Federal Land
  • Public Land Management as it relates to Social and Economic impacts on Moffat County

The Natural Resources Department meets regularly with the following organizations:

News & Press Releases

US Fish & Wildlife Service 10J Wolf Reintroduction Plan comments

Wolf Reintroduction Plan Comment Letter

Resolution 2021- 23: Opposing the Federal Government's "30 x 30" Land Initiative & Preservation Goal