Severed Mineral Valuation

Tori Snyder
(970) 824-9130

In Colorado, mineral rights may be owned separately from the surface (or land). This type of ownership is called a severed mineral estate. In Moffat County, it is very common to have different owners for the surface and the minerals.

Mineral rights are severed in different ways. One way is through a reservation to the government at the time the land was patented. Another way is by a reservation made when the land (surface) is sold to another party.

Colorado requires the Assessor's Office to value severed minerals. You can search mineral ownership by name on the Assessor's Office Property Ownership Database. If you would like to search by a specific legal address, it is necessary to come into the Assessor's Office.

Many people ask if there is drilling going on in Moffat County. The answer is yes. To see where in Moffat County drilling is currently taking place visit the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission website. Click on the "Maps" tab.