Library Board of Trustees


Moffat County Library Board of Trustees


Do you have an interest in serving on this board? Send a letter/email of interest to: 
Moffat County Commissioner's Office, Attn: Erin Miller
1198 W Victory Way, Ste 104, Craig, CO 81625
For more information call (970) 824-5517 or 824-5116
Carol Haskins, Vice-Chair
Michelle Gottschall, Member
Shirley Balleck, Chair
OPEN, Member
Katie Johnston, Secretary/Treasurer
Michelle Reed, Member
Cathy Lowther, Member
Library Director: Keisha Bickford 824-5116 x 404
Ex-Officio: Donald Broom 824-9112
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm (note new time)

570 Green Street - Craig Library Branch Conference Room

Public Comment Policy

The Moffat County Libraries Board of Trustees welcomes any citizen to express an interest or concern related to the operation of the Library during the public comment period of the meeting agenda. You will be asked to state your name and county of residence. To ensure an efficient and productive meeting, each speaker will be limited to three minutes. If you go over the allotted time, the Chair will ask you to conclude your comments.

The Board usually will not be able to respond to individual questions at the meeting. Instead, questions will be referred to appropriate Library personnel for study and response. Complaints against individual Library employees should be sent to the Library Manager in writing with your signature.

Please keep in mind that individuals of all ages often attend board meetings. Speakers’ remarks, therefore, should be suitable for the public setting and the audience in attendance. The Board Chair may interrupt, warn, or terminate a speaker’s statement that is unrelated to the business of the Library, is inappropriate for the public setting/audience, or is disruptive to an orderly, productive meeting.


July16, 2024


Board Minutes: