Oil and Gas Drilling in Moffat County



Moffat County Intent to Drill Regulations

The following requirements apply to oil and gas companies intending to drill in Moffat County. Oil and gas companies are responsible for acquiring the appropriate permits and fulfilling notice requirements as listed below. At the bottom of this web page are links to various permits required by Moffat County.

Moffat County Drilling Requirements:
1) Moffat County reviews each Application for Permit to Drill (APD) that has been submitted to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) for "significant impacts on public health, safety and welfare, including the environment" as allowed under Rule 303d of the COGCC Rules and Policies.

Please submit your APD to Moffat County and COGCC simultaneously.
Submit APD to: Moffat County Commissioners
Attn: Erin Miller
1198 W. Victory Way, Suite 104
Craig, CO 81625

Please assure your APD submission includes, at a minimum:

  1. A copy of the application and reporting forms files with other state or federal regulatory agencies.
  2. Map(s) showing the location(s) of the proposed drill site(s).
  3. Map(s) showing the proposed location or expansion plans of potential development for the gas field.
  4. Proof that a Surface Owner Agreement is in place.

2) Consistent with COGCC Rule 305(b) (1), Moffat County requires a thirty (30) day notice prior to construction of a site. Rule 305(b) (1) states "operator shall evidence its intention to conduct such operations by giving the surface owner and local governmental designee written notice thereof. Such notice of drilling shall be mailed or hand delivered to the surface owner not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of estimated commencement of operations with heavy equipment as set forth in the notice and shall be mailed to the local governmental designee not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of estimated commencement of operations with heavy equipment as set forth in the notice." Although the rule requires mailing or hand delivery, it is acceptable to email the Local Governmental Designee instead of mail or hand delivery. Moffat County Local Governmental Designee may be contacted at:

Moffat County Natural Resources Department
Attn: Jeff Comstock, Director
1198 W. Victory Way, Ste. 104
Craig, CO 81625
Phone: (970) 826-3400


Oil and gas companies are responsible for contacting the following entities to obtain necessary permit/agreements prior to drilling:

  • Candace Miller - Moffat County Planning Department, (970) 824-9148; 824-9193 fax
    • Temporary Use Permits are required for temporary living/office quarters. Permit fee is $30.
    • Conditional Use Permits are required for pipelines or other proposed uses not authorized by existing zoning.
    • Permit fee is $200.
  • Waste disposal: The disposal of any wastes on site shall be in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. State Health Codes require that crew members be provided with on-site sanitary facilities, i.e. a Porta-john. Permits are available on the Planning Department Page.
  • Dan Miller - Moffat County Road & Bridge Department, (970) 824-3211; 824-0356 fax
    • A Right-of-Way Access Permit must be obtained if the driveway intersects a county road. Permit fee is $100.
    • Utilities Installation Permit must be obtained when crossing, boring or installing under, over or along right-of-way of a county road. Permit fee is $100 plus .25/ft per linear foot within the County right-of-way. Performance bond or other acceptable financial security is required.
    • A Transport Permit is required for all oversized loads. Fee is determined by size of load.
  • Stacy Morgan - Moffat County Clerk & Recorder, (970) 824-9104
    • Vehicle license required for vehicles in Moffat County over 30 days.
    • Under Colorado State Law, all mobile machinery, mounted equipment, office trailers and self-propelled construction equipment must be registered in the county where it is located. Proration of registration can be obtained through Colorado Port of Entry ((970) 858-1068).
  • Jeff Comstock - Moffat County Natural Resources Department,(970) 826-3400, 826-3411 fax
    • Moffat County Local Government Designee for Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
    • Contact for questions related to natural resources (i.e. sage grouse, big game winter range, etc.)
  • Water District Commissioners - if water source is a flowing waterway.
    • Division of Water Resources (970) 826-0810, Water District #54, 55, 56 - Green, Little Snake, Yampa, Vermillion, Timberlake, Fourmile, Slater, etc
    • Water District #43, (970) 824-3881 - White, Deep Channel, Goal, Wolf, Skull, Red, etc..
    • Water District #44, (970) 879-0272 - Williams Fork, Fortification, Elkhead, Yampa, etc.
  • Water rights owner - if water source is a well, stock pond, irrigation ditch, etc.
  • State Highway Department - (970) 824-5104 or (970) 824-2030
    • Permit required for access off a State Highway.

Contact the respective surface owner(s) of the drill site or surface owner(s) of the access road(s) prior to beginning work.