Board of Trustees
Name | Term | Appointed | Term ends January |
John Ponikvar | 5 | 2023 | 2028 |
Kelly Hepworth | 5 | 2022 | 2027 |
Steve Hilley | 5 | 2019 | 2024 |
Roger Richmond | 5 | 2022 | 2027 |
Amy Updike | 5 | 2021 | 2026 |
Allan Reishus | 5 | 2021 | 2026 |
Denise Arola | 5 | 2025 | 2030 |
Board Meeting Schedule
Beginning in May of 2020, board meetings will take place on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms A & B at The Memorial Hospital. The meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing to address the Board may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. All people wishing to address the Board must sign in at the beginning of the meeting. Please note that for November and December 2020, the meetings will be held on the third Thursday because of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
UPDATED Participation Note: During the COVID-19 health pandemic, the Board of Trustees will meet in person but have an option to connect virtually. Your participation is still allowed and encouraged. To make a public comment during a Virtual Meeting, you must indicate your interest via email to Julie Hanna at julie.hanna@memorialrh.org prior to 5:45 p.m. the night of the meeting. We will unmute participants to allow for comment. Your time to comment will still be limited to three minutes per person.
Ex-officio - Tony Bohrer 824-9115
Meets fourth Thursday of each month, Memorial Hospital Board Room, 750 Hospital Loop, 6:00 p.m.