Frequently Asked Questions

What if I think someone is or may be abusing or neglecting their child?

If you think someone is abusing or neglecting a child, you are urged to report. You may be the only avenue to help for that child. If you wish, you may report anonymously. The reporting party's identity is confidential and will not be released. To report, call 1-844-CO-4KIDS (1-844-264-5437). An unsubstantiated child abuse report will never hurt a child. We appreciate the concern of the members of the community for each and every child with whom they interact.

If you have concern that is child welfare related, the Child Protection Ombudsman of Colorado can also help. You can learn more about the Child Protection Ombudsman of Colorado on their website

What if I know someone is committing fraud?

Call the Department at 824-8282 x 2046. We will investigate and take action to assure that only those who qualify receive benefits. If you wish, you may remain anonymous.

What can you tell me about Health First Colorado, formerly known as Medicaid?

Applications for Health First Colorado can be hand delivered, mailed, faxed or emailed to the office. No interview is necessary. If applicants are ineligible for Health First Colorado, a referral will be made to Connect for Health, which is Colorado's insurance marketplace.

If you have additional concerns that you would like addressed, please access the complaint form on our State website at https://cdhs.colorado.gov/contact-cdhs