Megan Stetson, County Extension Director Agent - Agriculture/Horticulture 4-H Youth Development 1198 W Victory Way, Ste 106 Craig, CO 81625 Phone: (970) 824-9180 | Jackie Goodnow Administrative Supervisor |
2023/2024 4-H Enrollment Period Open!
Please enroll by March 31st to participate in 2024 MC Fair and County 4-H Contests!
Thanks to our United Way Donors, this year’s enrollment is FREE TO ALL!
Enroll through 4-H Online at: https://co.4honline.com/
Please read the 2024 Moffat County 4-H Program Handbook and submit signed acknowledgement form (located at the end of this document) to finalize your enrollment. Signed acknowledgement forms can be uploaded on 4-H Online, or they can be emailed to jgoodnow@moffatcounty.net. 4-H enrollment will not be approved without a signed acknowledgement form on file! For Questions or Trouble-shooting call (970) 824-9180.
Colorado State University Extension and Moffat County Pest Management provides research-based information and education in agriculture, horticulture, family and consumer sciences, 4-H Youth development, and weed and pest management relevant to Moffat County. Information is available at your request on numerous subjects including youth programs, family health and nutrition, home environment, tree and lawn care, gardening, pasture management, livestock management, and pest management (weeds and insects).
Stop by and ask for samples of the more than 500 fact sheets available or a list of the hundreds of publications. Some of these fact sheets and publications are readily available at the CSU Extension website: CSU Fact Sheets.
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Also available at the Extension Office:
- Water testing kits
- Hay testing
- Soil testing
- Pressure canner gauge testing
- Insect identification
- Plant identification
- Radon test kits
Family and Consumer Sciences
- Healthful Living
- Food Safety and Nutrition
- Family Well-Being
- Home Environment
- Finances and Resource Management
Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Range/Pasture Management
- Livestock Management
- Crops
- Horticulture
4-H Youth Development
- Traditional 4-H programs for ages 8 to 18 years old
- Cloverbud program for ages 5 to 7 years old
- Programs are available to schools and youth groups
- Growing together through 4-H strengthens the family
- Share your time and interests by becoming a 4-H Leader
- Integrated Pest Management programs
- Recommendations for land owners &, operators
- Weed management opportunities
- IPM mosquito abatement and monitoring
- Weed, rodent and insect control programs
Colorado State University Extension is an equal opportunity provider. | Colorado State University Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations. | Colorado State University no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad y se compromete a proporcionar adaptaciones razonables.
CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate to individuals whose first language is not English. | Office of Engagement and Extension de CSU garantiza acceso significativo e igualdad de oportunidades para participar a las personas quienes su primer idioma no es el inglés.