To provide an environment to meet educational, informational and recreational needs.
To provide an environment where lifelong habits of learning, self-improvement and
self-expression are encouraged.
- Library Cards:
Getting your library card: You must present a photo ID and have a current phone number in order to obtain a library card. There is no charge for your first card.
Replacing your library card: Please notify the library at once if you lose your card. You must have a card to check out library items. To prevent unauthorized use of a lost or stolen card, you may purchase a replacement for a lost card. You will need to show your photo ID and pay a $10.00 replacement fee.
Getting your child a library card: Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when applying for a library card.
Renewing your library card: Patron records expire after one year. At that time, you will be asked to verify and update the information in your record. You will keep the same card and the same patron ID number.
Upgrading your library card: If you have one of the original light blue cards you can now upgrade to our new photo card for a $10 donation to the library. All proceeds from upgraded cards goes to supporting the library.
- Check-Out Policies:
You MUST have your card with you in order to check out library items. You must also show your card when you pick up an interlibrary loan item. If you are picking up or checking out an item for another patron, you must show that patron's card.
New patrons: You are a "new" patron until you have held your library card for one month. New patrons may check out 3 items at a time.
Regular patrons: You may check out 25 items at a time.
Most library materials, such as books, periodicals, audio books, and CDs‚ can be checked out for two weeks. Exceptions are new adult fiction books, DVDs, and videos, which can be checked out for one week. The check-out period for interlibrary loans vary according to the policy of the lending library. Reference materials may not be checked out. There is a limit of 3 DVDs checked out per household at one time.
- Renewals and Holds:
Renewing items: You may renew items by phone or in person at the library. Please have your library card available. You can also access your library account online through our website to renew (not available if you are a new patron). If you receive a notice that you are unable to renew an item online, please call the library for assistance.
Renewal periods: You can renew your items twice for the same length of time as the original check-out period (two-week items will renew for an additional two weeks, one-week items for one week). However, if the item has been placed on hold by another patron or if you have exceeded your renewal limit, you will be unable to renew it and need to return that item promptly. Interlibrary loans cannot be renewed.
Placing a hold: You may ask a staff member to place a hold for you on an item that is checked out. The item will be held for 7 days for pick up at the front circulation desk once it becomes available and we will call you to notify you your item is ready.
- Late Fees, Lost Items and Blocked Cards:
Late fees: A fine of 15 cents per item per day will be assessed for items returned after their due date.
Lost or damaged items: For lost or damaged library materials, a $20.00 processing fee will be charged in addition to the actual cost of the item if the library replaces it for you. If you purchase the item in new condition and bring it into the library, the processing fee does not apply.
Blocked cards: A card is blocked when late fees reach $5.00. You must clear the fines before your card can be used again.
- Interlibrary Loans:
Who may borrow: Any Moffat County Library patron who has a current library card in good standing. New patrons may use interlibrary loan services once they reach regular patron status (that is, once they have been a library cardholder for more than 30 days).
How to Borrow: Complete an interlibrary loan request form, which is available at the library. Make sure you provide all required information. A librarian can assist you with completing the form.
Restrictions: Requests for material will be taken without regard to publication date. However, the lending library may choose not to lend the item if your request has a current-year publication date (usually within 6 months of date of request).
Fees: Most interlibrary loan materials are free. Occasionally there is a charge imposed by the lending library‚ you are responsible for that charge. You must pay the fee prior to borrowing the material. You will be notified if your item will have a fee before it occurs.
Renewals: Interlibrary loan items may not be renewed.
- Online Library Account:
You can access your library card online to renew, check due dates, reserve items, see assessed fines and search our catalog (library card required for sign-up). Click here to access your online account.
- Online Reserves:
You are only allowed 3 reserves at a time and can not delete a reserve once it is placed so click carefully. Please allow 1 business day to process your reserve and pick it up within 7 days. We will call you when your reserve is ready for pick up. Also, our catalog includes materials located in Maybell and Dinosaur. If you request an item from Maybell, allow 2 weeks for it to arrive. If your item is in Dinosaur, a librarian can assist you with receiving your item through the Interlibrary Loan service.
- Unattended Child Policy:
While the Moffat County Libraries welcome young patrons and families to use its resources and facilities, the safety of children left alone in our public library buildings is a concern of the Library Board and the Library staff. Unfortunately, no public place can guarantee the safety of children, and the ultimate responsibility for child safety rests with the child‚ and parent or guardian. Therefore, Moffat County Libraries has adopted the following guidelines regarding children in library facilities:
A parent, guardian, or adult caregiver must adequately accompany and supervise children under the age of 12 while they are in the library.
A parent, guardian, or caregiver must adequately accompany and supervise children 12 and under while using computers connected to the Internet.
Children under the age of 12 may not be left unattended in the library.
Care providers for those children under the age of 12 must be at least 16 years of age and must directly supervise their charges at all times. Care providers may be a parent, legal guardian or other assigned person by the parent or legal guardian.
Those responsible for minors should know that unattended minors who do not abide by library rules will be asked to leave the library. If staff is unable to contact a parent or guardian for transportation from the facility, the police will be called.
If a patron younger than 12 years of age has been left at the library at closing time, the library staff may try to notify the parents or legal guardian. If no one can be reached, the Library may notify the police.
- Patron Privacy:
Patron privacy is protected by Colorado Statute 24-90-119 of the Colorado Library Law: Privacy of user records.
(1) Except as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, a publicly supported library or library system shall not disclose any record or other information which identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the library."
(2) Records may be disclosed in the following instances:
(a) When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library,
(b) Upon written consent of the user,
(c) Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law.
Computer and Internet Access
- Internet and Computer Rules:
By using the Moffat County Libraries' computer resources the user indicates agreement to abide by the Library's Internet and Computer rules.
Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no charge for computer use or Internet access.
Copies are 20 cents per page regardless of usability, quality, or amount of print on the page. Color copies are 50 cents per page.
Patrons13-17 years of age must have an Internet Permission form signed by their parent or guardian on file at the Library, and must show their library card in order to use the computers connected to the Internet. All children 12 and under, even those with signed permission forms, must have an adult with them at the computer at all times.
Violation of copyright or software license agreements is prohibited.
Internet is prohibited in the children's room of the library.
Computers located in the children's area are to be used for card catalog searches or TumbleBooks only.
Falsifying one's age to gain access to Internet sites is prohibited.
Adults using computers must not leave their children unattended while in the Library.
Files may be saved temporarily to the desktop, disk, CD or a flash drive.
Library patrons may not shut down or restart computers. Users must report any technical difficulties to a staff member, and wait for assistance.
The Library computer resources may only be used for purposes according to the guidelines of the Moffat County Libraries. Misuse or illegal use of the Library computers and the Internet will result in loss of your computer privileges and possible legal action. Unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to the following:
Unauthorized use of copyright protected material. Harassing other patrons or infringing on their rights to privacy. Behaving in a disruptive or uncooperative manner. Accessing, creating, or displaying images or text that contain obscenities or pornography, or that disturb the well-being of other patrons or Library staff. Damaging or destroying equipment, software or data belonging to the Library or to other patrons. Installing or attempting to install unauthorized software or files on Library computers. Violation of software license agreements.
Use of the Library's Internet resources is for educational, informational and recreational purposes only.
Using the Library's Internet resources to conduct a business or commercial enterprise, or engage in commercial activity such as the distribution of advertising is prohibited.
Library staff is happy to help patrons with basic computer and Internet use. Staff cannot provide advanced instruction and are not responsible for the user's lost data.
The Moffat County Libraries will not tolerate the use of library equipment to access, transmit, or print obscene or sexually explicit materials that are harmful to minors. Users are reminded that they are in a public environment and are asked not to display on screens and/or print materials that may be objectionable.
Violation of the Moffat County Libraries Internet and Computer Rules may result in suspension of library use privileges.
The library reserves the right to set rules, as needed to promote equitable computer use and to revise these rules in response to changes in or concerns about the library's computing system.
- The Library also reserves the right to deny any use of equipment for any reason or if Library policies and procedures are not followed.
- The Library reserves the right to revise its Internet use policy at any time and without written notice.
The Library is in compliance with C.R.S. 24-90-601 et seq., of the Colorado Revised Statutes which requires installation of filtering software for the protection and safety of minors (anyone under 17 years of age) on all public access computers provided by the Library.
The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet. The Library makes no guarantees, either expressed or implied, with respect to the quality or content of the information available on the Internet. Not all the information available via the Internet is accurate, current or complete. Users are encouraged to be good information consumers by evaluating the validity of information accessed via the Internet. Users are cautioned that ideas, points of view, and images can be found on the Internet, which are controversial, divergent and inflammatory. The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses or sanctions the content or point of view of any of the information or commentary, which may be found on the Internet. Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use and, therefore, should be considered public.
In addition to this specified policy, general guidelines for the use of all public-access computers govern the use of the Internet in the Library. Violation of the policies and regulations that govern the use of the Library\'s Internet resources may result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use these resources. Illegal activity involving the Library\'s Internet resources will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities.
The Library reserves the right to end any computer session at any time, for any reason.
- Using Wireless Internet in the Library:
Limitations and Disclaimers
Library employees are not able to provide technical assistance or configure your equipment to connect to the service. No guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection.
The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security or data files resulting from connection to the Library's network.
Portable computers such as laptop computers are not allowed in the children's room.
Printing is not available through the wireless network in the library.
Patron Behavior Policy
The following rules of conduct shall apply to all branches of the Moffat County Libraries and to all persons entering into or on the premises.
- Rules for a Safe Environment:
Committing or attempting to commit an activity in violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance or regulation is prohibited.
Carrying weapons, except bona fide officers of government jurisdictions or individuals with a lawful permit, is prohibited.
Possessing, selling, distributing, or consuming any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia is prohibited.
Persons under the influence of any controlled substance or intoxicating liquor are not allowed on library property.
Use of skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, or scooters is not allowed in the library or on library premises.
Library patrons must park bicycles or other vehicles in authorized areas only.
All doors and entrances must remain obstacle-free.
Animals or personal transport vehicles are not permitted in the library other than those required by persons with disabilities or those used in law enforcement or for library programming.
Smoking inside library facilities or within 15 feet of any entrance is prohibited.
Shirts and shoes are required for health reasons and must be worn at all times in the library.
The use of incendiary devices, including candles, matches, and lighters, is prohibited inside the library.
- Rules for Personal Behavior/Examples of Unacceptable Behavior
Personal property brought into the library is subject to the following:
The Library personnel may limit the number of parcels carried into the library.The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.The Library does not guarantee storage for personal property.Personal possessions must not take up seating or space if needed by other patrons.Food and open drink containers are not allowed in the computer area or around electrical equipment.
Patrons must leave the library premises promptly at closing time.
Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of the Library while in the building. Patrons not engaged in reading, studying or using the library materials or facilities shall be required to leave the building.
Running in the library building is prohibited.
Putting feet or legs on furniture is prohibited.
Sitting on tables is prohibited.
Baby carriers are not allowed on tables.
Panhandling or soliciting library staff or patrons for money, products, or services inside the library or on library property is prohibited.
Using threatening language or gestures is prohibited.
Patrons may not interfere with the staff's performance of duties in the Library or on Library property. This includes engaging in conversation or behavior that monopolizes or forces the attention of staff for an inappropriate period of time, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, or physical and/or verbal harassment.
Monopolizing the use of Library equipment is prohibited.
Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey taking, pamphleteering, and canvassing are prohibited in the Library. Any activity that violates Moffat County election law shall be prohibited.
The Director must approve distributing or posting printed materials/literature on Library property.
Misuse of restrooms, including laundering, shaving, hair cutting or trimming, bathing, and sexual activity is prohibited.
Staring, photographing, following, stalking, harassing, or threatening library patrons or staff while in the Library or on Library property so that it interferes with the Library patrons' use of the Library or the ability of the staff person to do his or her job is prohibited.
Producing or allowing any loud, unreasonable, or disturbing noises that interferes with other patrons' use of the Library or that can be reasonably expected to disturb other persons is prohibited.
Offensive body odor due to poor personal hygiene or overpowering perfume that interferes with the use of the library by patrons or library staff is prohibited.
Entering non-public areas of the library without proper authorization is prohibited.
The following are examples of unacceptable behavior, which may lead to removal of a patron from the library:
- Abuse/vandalism of library facilities, materials or equipment
- Cell phone usage
- Child abuse
- Excessive public displays of affection
- Exhibitionism/flashing
- Gambling
- Harassment: physical, sexual or verbal abuse of other library patrons or library staff
- Improper attire: patrons should wear shoes and shirts in the library
- Intoxication/drugs or noticeable alcohol on breath
- Loitering, including refusing to leave at closing
- Obscene language Screaming or running in library
- Sleeping Unruly/offensive behavior
- Voyeurism/peeping
- Any other behaviors that disrupt library operations
- What May Not be Brought into the Library
The following may not be brought into the library:
- Alcohol and/or drugs
- Animals, except for service dogs
- Weapons
- Rules for the Use and Preservation of Library Materials and Property:
- Patrons must not deface, or vandalize library materials, equipment, furniture, or buildings.
- Patrons must not improperly remove library materials, equipment, or furniture.
- Patrons must abide by established time limitations and the Library's Internet Use Policy.
- Library materials may only be removed from premises with authorization through established lending procedures.
- Library materials may not be taken into restrooms.
- Disciplinary Process for Library Facilities:
A. Incident Reports. Library Staff shall record on the Incident Report form any violation of the Patron Behavior Policy that results in a verbal warning or a suspension of library privileges. By the end of the day on which the incident occurred, an Incident Report shall be written and forwarded to the Library Director for logging and review.
B. Violation of the Policy. The Library shall handle violations as follows:
1. Initial Violation: Library patrons observed violating any policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal warning. If the patron does not comply with the request, they will be asked to leave the building. If they refuse, police may be called.
2. Subsequent Violations: The Director or the Director's authorized designee may further limit or revoke the patron's library privileges if infractions continue. Such limitation or revocation shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation. Subsequent violations shall result in additional suspensions of increasing length.
C. Reinstatement: The patron whose privileges have been limited or revoked shall attend a meeting with the Director or the Director's designee to review the Library Patron Behavior Policy before their privileges are reinstated.
Library staff may make exceptions to any of the rules listed above, at their discretion.
For a PDF file of all the above library policies and mission statement, request a copy from the library.